Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dinner: Sunchoke (Jersualem artichoke) and Salsify Soup with Vegan Samosas

Samosas were store-bought but the soup was Jay's creation, and he shared his deliciously simple recipe...

2 cups sunchoke
5 stocks salsify (we used both white and black)
2 large shallots
2 large toes of garlic
3lt water
1oz Earth Balance (Vegan Butter)

- peel and slice the sunchokes and salsify, put in water so it doesn’t oxidize
- wash the sunchokes and salsify very well (sometimes they can be really gritty with dirt)
- once clean, put in pot, add water
- clean the skins off the shallots and the garlic, slice them a bit and add both ton the pot
- season with some salt and pepper (use your taste)
- let it all cook for 30 min
- turn the heat off and let sit for 10-15 min
- add the Earth Balance and puree it all together in a blender or using a wand
- taste, add more salt and pepper if needed
- Enjoy

it was beautifully white... I topped mine with some hot sauce, because I can't get enough of it...
 samosas were delicious as well...
 look at all the tasty goodness inside...
yum, yum, yum....

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Chocolate Salami

purchased from Soma Chocolatemaker in December... a limited edition item made for the holidays... It is not vegan, so I didn't have any, but I did appreciate the workmanship, and the soft "mmmmmm" sounds of enjoyment from those who did....

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

first drink from our new juicer

one of our awesome wedding gifts (we got married in November) was this great juicer... it was a bit of a waiting game before we received it... we contemplated on the first thing we should juice... we decided to should be a homemade Cesar :)
 veggies ready to go... celery, red peppers, and tomatoes
 I was happy juicing
 we pulled out the good stuff for our drinks...
 Jay was in charge or rimming... it was his first time...
 mmmmm delicious...

Sunday, January 1, 2012

Happy New Year!!!

2012 was welcomed quietly and in a non-alcoholic way this time around. My little sister and her man dropped by with a bottle of bubbly sans the headache the next day :) It was delicious and fun... we passed the time until midnight with dinner at Fresh (between 8 and 9pm all food was 50% off), then some Wii...

at 5 minutes to we unscrewed (that's right unscrewed not popped) a bottle of apple-pomegranate cider...
 I served it in some pretty champagne glasses tough (and that cork on the side is from a bottle of champagne we had earlier.... it was also pink)
all the best to everyone!